University of Lethbridge

College introduction

There are three campuses respectively in Lethbridge, Calgary and Edmonton. The Lethbridge campus as the major one is located in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, and in the Oldman River Valley. It is a small town with a population of 67,000, a beautiful natural environment and a mild climate. It is very close to two national parks and the metropolis Calgary. With sufficient sunshine all year round, it is known as the Sunny City of Canada.

Cooperative program:

<span color:#333333;"="">Dual bachelor's degree program (1+3/2+2 mode, one year of study in China and three years of study in Canada to strengthen students' English proficiency and learning adaptability, so as to lay a solid foundation for future undergraduate studies.) Also, summer study tours and training for teachers are provided in cooperation with University of Lethbridge to help broaden the international vision of students at Xi’an Eurasia University, and enhance the international competitiveness of its faculty team.

  • Tuition

  • Teacher student ratio