Algonquin College, Canada

College introduction

Algonquin College is the only comprehensive national college of higher education in the Ottawa region with courses taught in English. The dean of the college is appointed by the central government, and the college has the right to issue postgraduate certificates, bachelor's degrees and college diplomas in applies arts, and industry qualification certificates. The college has ten schools, including School of Advanced Technology, School of Business, School of Media and Design, School of Health and Community Studies, School of Police and Public Safety, School of Transportation and Architecture, School of Hospitality and Tourism, Heritage Institute, School of Languages, and Academic Access Center. Canada allocates more than 170 million Canadian dollars for office affairs and research every year.

The college has three campuses, all located in Ontario, with convenient transportation

School enrollments: Summer study tour, master's degree program

Grants and funding policy: <span color:#333333;"="" style="font-size: 14px">None

  • Tuition

  • Teacher student ratio