Harmony in Diversity / Pluralitas in unitatem

Always cherish the spirit of compatibility

EU shoulders the responsibility of the interests of all parties and always require the staff to be responsible and practical, and fulfill their duties.


The leading bodies at all levels in Eurasia firmly established the idea of ‘teacher based and student oriented’. The board of directors, fully listen to the opinions of all the faculty and staff, has formulated the mission, vision and core values of our university.


EU shoulders the responsibility of the interests of all parties and always require the staff to be responsible and practical, and fulfill their duties.


EU shoulders the responsibility of the interests of all parties and always require the staff to be responsible and practical, and fulfill their duties.


  • Responsibility
    EU shoulders the responsibility of the interests of all parties and always require the staff to be responsible and practical, and fulfill their duties.
  • Partnership
    We are all ordinary people. Only band together, offering mutual respect, tolerance, sharing and cooperation, can we build a good enterprise together.
  • Innovation
    EU advocates following the law of education and the law of the market and encouraging all staff to carry out reformation and innovation activities at all levels.Continuous innovation will be the core of EU’s survival and development.
  • Usefulness
    EU advocates offering useful education to our students, and emphasis on doing useful things. In EU, both teaching and management consider effectiveness as the standard of value judgement.