School localization

As the "internationalization, applied, new experience" quality connotation for the characteristics of applied run by the local undergraduate university.

The overall goal

2019-2028, the school’s overall development goal: become the first-class international applied undergraduate colleges and universities in China.

  • internationalization

    International perspective / International benchmarking and cooperation / International standard

  • applied

    Focus on students' career development / Co-operative throughout the training process / With international, industry background of the teacher

  • New experience

    New experience teaching environment / Information service new experiences / Teaching, learning and assessment of new experience /

"442" strategic goals to 2.0

  • The first stage (2019-2022),

    Part of the key subject professional international education teaching to reach the advanced level of the undergraduate course colleges and universities in xi 'an region.

  • The second phase (2023-2026)

    The overall education internationalization reached domestic leading level applied undergraduate colleges and universities.

  • The third stage (2027-2028),

    Become the first-class international applied undergraduate colleges and universities in China.