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Xi'an Eurasia University Holds an Online Evaluation Kick-off Meeting for Undergraduate Education and Teaching Review and Evaluation

(Fig. 1) Xi'an Eurasia University Online Evaluation Kick-off Meeting for Undergraduate Education and Teaching Review and Evaluation

On the morning of May 13, Xi'an Eurasia University held an online evaluation kick-off meeting for undergraduate education and teaching review and evaluation.

The online meeting was attended by 15 members, project managers, and secretaries of the Review and Evaluation Expert Group of the Ministry of Education, including Professor Zhang Anfu, head of the expert group and former Vice President of the Wuhan University of Technology, and Ji Lianggang, deputy head of the expert group and former President of Hebei University of Economics and Business; other attendees included Gao Qiang, Director of the Higher Education Division of the Education Department of Shaanxi Province, Yang Peng, Deputy Director of the Higher Education Division of the Education Department of Shaanxi Province, and Lu Genshu, Director of West China Higher Education Evaluation Center. All party and government leaders of Xi'an Eurasia University, including Chairman Hu Jianbo, President Liu Jin, and Secretary of the Party Committee Zhao Guohua, as well as the main party and government heads of secondary teaching units, persons in charge of teaching work, the main heads of functional departments, and the head of the university's teaching supervision group also attended the meeting. The meeting was held both online and offline. It was divided into two stages: the first stage was presided over by Zhao Guohua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Eurasia University; the second stage was presided over by Professor Zhang Anfu, Head of the Review and Evaluation Expert Group.

(Fig. 2) Professor Hu Jianbo, Chairman of Xi'an Eurasia University, Delivering a Speech

On behalf of all the faculty and students of Xi'an Eurasia University, Hu Jianbo extended a warm welcome to the Review and Evaluation Expert Group and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Education Department of Shaanxi Province and the West China Higher Education Evaluation Center for their help and guidance to the university. He said that in the 28-year development of Xi'an Eurasia University, every major evaluation was an opportunity for the university to make a breakthrough. The university attaches great importance to the opinions and suggestions put forward by the evaluation experts, takes these valuable words as important guidance for its connotation development, and continuously optimizes and improves its school-running philosophy, quality connotation, talent training, teaching management, faculty, and school-running conditions, aiming to continuously improve the quality of talent cultivation. The review and evaluation not only examine the quality of compliance but also the quality of adaptability, hence conducive to improving the school's adaptability to student development and industrial employment on the basis of conforming to the laws of education and the norms of academic research. Taking the review and evaluation as an opportunity, all units of Xi'an Eurasia University have deeply integrated the preparations for the review and evaluation with the school's education and teaching reform and systematically implemented the "student-centered" educational concept, striving to refine the "last mile" of talent cultivation and improve regional economic and social service capabilities.

(Fig. 3) Gao Qiang, Director of the Higher Education Division of the Education Department of Shaanxi Province, Delivering a Speech

In Gao Qiang's speech, it is emphasized that the new round of undergraduate education review and evaluation is a crucial step in implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on education. This initiative aligns with the significant measures taken by the Party and the state government to deepen the reform of educational evaluation in the new era. It plays a vital role in promoting the classified evaluation of higher education institutions, fully implementing the fundamental task of fostering virtue and talent, and ensuring the central role of talent cultivation and the core position of undergraduate education and teaching. With the help of the new round of review and evaluation, Shaanxi has accelerated the construction of a higher education evaluation system that conforms to China's national conditions and reflects Shaanxi's characteristics. Gao Qiang pointed out that private higher education in Shaanxi started early, has a large scale, and has become a beautiful business card of Shaanxi's higher education. Xi'an Eurasia University should make good use of this rare opportunity, foster collaboration, carefully study the connotation of problems unveiled in the expert evaluation report, actively seek solutions to subjective problems, rectify the problems mentioned in the expert evaluation report, promote the comprehensive improvement of its school running level and quality, accelerate the realization of high-quality development, and truly realize the promotion of construction, rectification, management, and strength through evaluation.

(Fig. 4) Professor Zhang Anfu, Head of the Review and Evaluation Expert Group of the Ministry of Education, Delivering a Speech

Zhang Anfu briefly introduced the purpose, tasks, and methods of the new round of undergraduate education and teaching review and evaluation as well as the work requirements of the expert group. He pointed out that the expert group would take the effectiveness of moral education and talent cultivation as the examination criteria, center on student development, take a problem-oriented approach, and focus on facts. Through online evaluation and field visits, the expert group will help Xi'an Eurasia University to summarize school-running experiences and highlights, find existing problems, and put forward opinions and suggestions for improvement. The review and evaluation process is divided into two stages: online evaluation and field investigation. The expert group will comprehensively review relevant materials, conduct online interviews and discussions, and form a basic judgment on the undergraduate education and teaching work of Xi'an Eurasia University. After the on-site inspection, the expert group will form a review and evaluation report and submit it to the Shaanxi Provincial Review and Evaluation Expert Committee for deliberation. It is hoped that the university will treat the evaluation with a calm, normal, and open-minded attitude, uphold a positive and proactive spirit, a practical and truth-seeking work style, and a strict adherence to evaluation discipline, cooperating effectively with the expert group in all aspects of the work to accomplish the evaluation.

(Fig. 5) Liu Jin, President of Xi'an Eurasia University, Delivering a Supplementary Report on Self-assessment

Liu Jin made a supplementary report on the self-assessment from two aspects: the rectification based on the university's qualification assessment, and the school-running characteristics and effectiveness of the university. She highlighted the school's adherence to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Party's educational policy, the socialist orientation, the purpose of promoting public welfare, the fundamental task of strengthening moral education and talent cultivation, and the quality connotation of "being International, valuing application, and offering new experiences," with continuous efforts in providing high-quality educational services for students. For more than a decade, under the guidance of higher education authorities, Xi'an Eurasia University has integrated expert feedback and adhered to the combination of evaluation and rectification with overall school running and high-quality development. It has achieved remarkable results in the implementation of school-running concepts, the construction of faculty, the optimization of talent cultivation programs, the improvement of teaching management standards and levels, and the improvement of educational and teaching conditions. In the process of school running and development, Xi'an Eurasia University has achieved "six commitments", forming its characteristics in building a modern university governance system, promoting the "student-centered" education and teaching reform, implementing the local internationalization strategy, building smart campuses, and creating a high-quality educational environment. It is hoped that the experts will conduct in-depth and comprehensive assessments of the school's educational and all other related aspects, prescribe effective solutions, and provide guidance to help the school continuously enhance the quality and standards of its education and teaching practices.

Finally, the attendees watched a short video titled Promoting Local Internationalization and Leading Business Education.

(Contributed by Teaching Quality Evaluation Center; Photo by Wang Jiaming and Wang Jiayu from Brand Communication Department)