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Private University Campus Management Branch of China Association for Campus Management Established at Xi’an Eurasia University

In order to further integrate campus management resources of private colleges and universities, enhance the cohesion of campus managers of private colleges and universities, build a platform for communication, exchange, and resource sharing among private universities, and improve the overall level of campus management of private colleges and universities, on May 29, the inaugural meeting of the Private University Campus Management Branch of China Association for Campus Management, along with the Forum on Innovative Development of Campus Management Services in Private Universities, was held at Xi'an Eurasia University on May 29.

(Fig. 1) Scene of the Inaugural Meeting

Present at the conference were Chen Mingjun, Deputy Director of the Private Education Division of the Department of Development Planning of the Ministry of Education, Sun Quanxue, Second-level Inspector of the Education Department of Shaanxi Province, Liu Jianping, President of the China Association for Campus Management, Niu Weilin, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of the China Association for Campus Management, Liu Na, Vice President of the China Association for Campus Management, Lu Shengli, Vice President of the China Association for Campus Management and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Normal University, Hu Jianbo, Vice President of the China Association for Non-Government Education and Chairman of Xi'an Eurasia University, and Yu Mengchen, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Eurasia University. The meeting was presided over by Li Jiugao, Vice President and Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the China Association for Campus Management.

Yu Meng Chen stated in his speech that university campus management is an indispensable and important part of the higher education system, and that it provides necessary support for talent cultivation, scientific research, and social services. Over the years, Xi'an Eurasia University has adhered to its educational mission and continuously explored management innovation and connotation construction. The university's campus management group has received numerous honors, including being ranked among the top 50 campus management institutions nationwide, being recognized as an excellent benchmark for the construction of campus management culture, and being identified as an advanced unit in the management and service of campus systems in Shaanxi Province. It is hoped that through this conference, we can share experiences with sister institutions and jointly enhance the capabilities of campus management in private universities in terms of operational management, business philosophy, service awareness, campus governance, and participation in talent cultivation and the fulfillment of the mission of educational services, thus making new and greater contributions to the development of private higher education in China.


(Fig. 2) Yu Meng Chen, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Eurasia University, Gives a Speech

"The rapid development of private higher education owes a great deal to the supporting efforts of campus management," said Sun Quanxue in his speech as he reviewed the development process of private education in Shaanxi Province, especially private higher education. He said that in the new era, the privatization reform of campus management in universities has been continuously advancing. However, the imbalance, inadequacy, and lack of adaptability in the development of logistics in institutions still exist. The establishment of the Private University Campus Management Branch of the China Association for Campus Management not only meets the needs of the privatization reform of campus management in universities but also creates a new engine for building an open, innovative, dynamic, and conducive institutional mechanism that aligns with the development of campus management in private universities.

(Figure 3) Sun Quanxue, Second-level Inspector of the Education Department of Shaanxi Province, Gives a Speech

Hu Jianbo delivered a speech on behalf of the China Association for Non-Government Education, elaborating on the importance of campus management services in promoting the high-quality development of education. He said that the establishment of the Private University Campus Management Branch of the China Association for Campus Management will greatly promote the specialization of campus management in private universities, enhance the quality and efficiency of campus management in these institutions, and provide a platform for communication and cooperation among various universities. The newly founded branch will empower more private universities and contribute to the development and progress of campus management work.

(Fig. 4) Speech by Hu Jianbo, Vice President of China Association for Non-Government Education and Chairman of Xi'an Eurasia University

Chen Mingjun put forward her expectations for the later work of the branch around four dimensions, namely "raise political awareness and resolutely implement the Party's education policy", "make corresponding plans to fully implement the fundamental task of moral cultivation", "take targeted measures to give full play to the special position and role of campus management in education", and "be brave to break new ground and continue to advance the innovative development of private university campus management". She hoped that the branch would fully play its role as a bridge and bond to effectively integrate relevant resources, provide an exchange and sharing platform for campus management workers and managers of private universities, and take the implementation of the national education digitalization strategy as an opportunity to accelerate the application and promotion of new equipment and technologies in the educational campus management system, so as to promote the overall upgrading of the campus management of private universities.

(Fig. 5) Chen Mingjun, Deputy Director of Private Education Division, Department of Development Planning, Ministry of Education

Liu Jianping pointed out in his speech that incorporating private universities into the organization system of the association is a strategic deployment for the association to achieve full coverage in the field of education and is also the need for the association to strengthen its development. He hoped that the Private University Campus Management Branch would step up development on four fronts. The first is to position its role clearly and fully leverage its influence to further integrate the resources of all parties, so as to become a campus management, display, and exchange platform between the government and private universities, between private universities, and between private universities and public universities. The second is to improve its campus management services and actively carry out various activities to promote the construction of harmonious, open, and diversified internal and external spaces. The third is to make use of the resource advantages of private universities to organize experts in the industry and further strengthen basic research in the industry, so as to lead the way in the industry. The branch should also actively play the roles of the government to strengthen industry management and supervision, thus giving strong support to the needs of education administrative departments. Fourth, the branch should address the real needs of the industry and heed the diversified campus management needs of teachers and students, establish and improve its rules and regulations, strengthen the formulation of industrial standards, build a high-quality, modern, and standardized campus management support system, and provide guidance to channel efforts to break new ground and innovate, thus contributing to the high-quality development of campus management in private universities.

(Fig. 6) Speech by Liu Jianping, President of China Association for Campus Management

(Fig. 7) On-site Election

At the meeting, the Report on Preparations for the Establishment of Private University Campus Management Branch of China Association for Campus Management was made and the Organization Rules of Private University Campus Management Branch of China Association for Campus Management was approved after deliberation, members, executive directors, president, vice presidents, and secretary general of the first council of the branch were elected, and the appointment of deputy secretary general was decided. Liu Na, Vice President of China Association for Campus Management, was elected President of the first council of the branch. Ren Longgang, General Manager of Xi'an Eurasia University Campus Management Group, was elected Secretary-General of the first council. 23 people including Wang Junmin, Wang Xinqi, Qiu Cunjin, Ren Sibin, Guan Liping, Yan Xiongbo, Li Cai, Yang Xuemei, Wu Hua, Wu Binru, Qiu Jianzhou, Song Wei, Zhang Weifeng, Zhang Junhong, Chen Yong, Chen Feng, Chen Jun, Shi Shaofang, Jia Hongbin, Yuan Meirong, Huang Shuirong, Xie Yu, and Yan Rui were elected as Vice Presidents of the first council (in order of surname strokes). At the meeting, it was decided to appoint 22 people as the Deputy Secretaries-General of the first council (in order of surname strokes), namely Wang Jie, Wang Yong, Ji Wenjiong, Shen Yongdong, Ren Jun, Li Yuejian, Yang Zhenzhen, Yang Tao, He Yushan, Zhang Qiwu, Chen Zhonghua, Chen Pengfei, Lin Yu, Luo Jian, Zhao Zheng, Duan Shusheng, Qin Jiarong, Guo Lei, Tang Difen, Han Yuping, Jiao Jianwei, and Wei Yu.

(Fig. 8) Speech by Liu Na, Vice President of the China Association for Campus Management and President of the Private University Campus Management Branch

At the meeting, Liu Na delivered a speech and thanked all council members for their trust. She said she felt very honored to shoulder such an important mission and would with everyone to live up to the expectations of leaders of the Ministry of Education and China Association for Campus Management as well as members. She added that she would do her best to earnestly perform her duties and carry out all the work of the branch pragmatically and effectively to pursue the purpose of the China Association for Campus Management. She also listed some priorities for the future work. First, the branch should play its role as an industry exchange platform, bridge, and bond. The second is to step up its team building and play more government roles. The third is to adopt a combination of diversified measures to continue conducting industry research, so as to find a platform more suitable for the campus management of private universities and promote the characteristic development of campus management services in private universities. She said that the branch would make a clearer and more targeted development plan and strengthen unity in an effort to make the branch a distinctive, influential, and representative modern industry organization and continue to promote more scientific and effective campus management services in private universities.

(Fig. 9) Concluding speech by Niu Weilin, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of the China Association for Campus Management

Niu Weilin made the concluding speech for the conference. He noted that the Private University Campus Management Branch is an important part of the strategic deployment of the China Association for Campus Management, adding that he would first like, on behalf of the association, to thank the Preparatory Committee of the branch for having made a lot of basic and constructive work for the establishment of the branch and congratulated Liu Na on her election as President of the branch. He stressed that campus management in private universities is different from that in public universities and it is thus very necessary to study, discuss, and address problems with the campus management of private universities by establishing the Private University Campus Management Branch. He hoped that the branch would do its work around the plan of the association, well handle its relationship with various special committees, local associations, and the China Association for Non-Government Education, and give full play to its role as a platform to address the pain points, difficulties, and hot issues of common concern in the campus management of private universities, thus providing support for the high-quality development of private universities.

(Fig. 10) Li Jiugao, Vice President and Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the China Association for Campus Management, presides over the inaugural meeting.

(Fig. 11) Forum on Innovation and Development of Private University Campus Management

In order to further explore new ways to improve the quality and efficiency of campus management in private universities, the Forum on Innovation and Development of Private University Campus Management was also held during the conference. Lu Caichen, Executive Editor-in-Chief of the University Logistics Research magazine, Hu Jianbo, Chairman of Xi'an Eurasia University, Zeng Fanwen, Vice President of the Campus Management Research Institute of China Association for Campus Management, Chen Feng, Vice President of Guangdong Baiyun University, and Han Jun, an expert in campus informatization, delivered keynote speeches titled "Status Quo, Problems, and Trends of University Campus Management", "Promoting the High-quality Development of Application-oriented Universities through Organic Renewal of Industrial Parks", "Research on Dynamic Competitiveness Index of Campus Management in Private Universities", "Improving Traffic Flow at Campus with Students at the Center to Enhance their "Three Senses", and "Digital Empowerment of Campus Management in Universities", respectively.