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Passion and Contribution — Professor Hu Jianbo's Speech at the 20th Sports Games of Xi'an Eurasia University

Dear students and teachers,

Good morning! Today, we will have the 20th Sports Games of Xi'an Eurasia University. The sports meeting has always been a signature event at Xi'an Eurasia University. It serves as a practical platform for students to organize competitions, a creative stage for teachers and students to express their individuality and showcase their talent, and a competitive arena for athletes to showcase their prowess and achieve glory.

At the opening ceremony of this sports meeting, we have changed the cultural display session of the communities, student societies, and clubs. Instead, we have chosen to kick off the event with an exciting rugby-friendly match. We would like to take this opportunity to share some good news with you all. Recently, in China University American Football League (CUFL), the Pioneers Team of our university achieved the championship title of the Western Region and ranked 4th nationally. Additionally, the men's basketball team of Xi'an Eurasia University has won the provincial university championship for three consecutive years in the past two years.

(Fig. 1) The Pioneers Team Presents the Football for CUFL to the University

(Fig. 2) The Pioneers Team in the Semi-final of CUFL

Our university has already established a leading advantage and regional reputation in nearly 10 national sports competitions, including rugby, basketball, sports dancing, cycling, jump rope, and tennis. However, what I want to emphasize is that the achievements of Xi'an Eurasia University do not rely on sports scholarship students or a few athletic stars but rather on the passion and persistence of our students towards these sports. We firmly believe that as long as you love sports, as long as the sports can bring out your strengths, combined with scientific training, diligent efforts, and long-term persistence, you will certainly be able to surpass yourself. Most of Xi'an Eurasia University's advantageous sports are team sports, and teamwork is also the core value in our university's education. We are all ordinary people, but only by forming partnerships, respecting, accommodating, sharing, and cooperating can we accomplish something extraordinary things.

Although we have achieved remarkable results in some events, the rankings in competitive sports are not the core pursuit of Xi'an Eurasia University in sports. Instead, we hope to cultivate students' interests and hobbies, tenacity, team spirit, and positive attitudes through sports. To this end, our university has built the West Campus Cultural and Sports Center, integrating multiple functions such as sports training, teaching, research, and social services, with a total building area of over 15,000 square meters, including two floors above ground and two floors underground. It contains basketball and swimming gyms, as well as spaces for taekwondo, table tennis, sports dancing, cycling, physical fitness testing, and health treatment, which can meet the diverse sports needs of teachers and students.

(Fig. 3) Effect Picture of the West Campus Cultural and Sports Center under Construction

Xi'an Eurasia University is committed to providing students with opportunities to engage in a diverse range of sports and physical activities. From optional courses to specialized training, from club activities to university-level leagues, from sports meetings to sports seasons, you can find what you excel in and uncover your potential in sports. Sports Economics and Management is a distinctive program of Xi'an Eurasia University, as well as a key program for our application-oriented talent cultivation, research, and social services.

Sports and physical activities offer us a real-world testing ground. Today, you are facing choices about which sport to pursue, which team to join, and which position to play. In the future, you will have to decide which industry to enter, which company to work for, and which position to take. The underlying principles are the same - choosing a vibrant and promising industry means that the industry must meet social needs; choosing a company with potential and resilience means the company must provide genuine and continuous value to its customers; choosing a position you enjoy and that allows you to realize your self-worth means you need to contribute to the team, and you are what you have contributed.

(Fig. 4) Performance at the Opening Ceremony of the 20th Sports Games of Xi'an Eurasia University

I hope our students can participate in sports and physical activities and make sports their way of life to cultivate a positive and confident attitude toward life. That is, staying true to your passions, playing to your strengths, working diligently, contributing, and persevering with unwavering commitment.

Finally, I wish all the participating students and faculty the very best in the upcoming competitions. May you excel in your performances, enjoy the pleasure of sports, and reap the beauty of personal growth. Thank you.