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Vibrant Youth, Exciting Fun! The 20th Sports Games of Xi'an Eurasia University Kicks Off!

At 9:00 a.m. on April 25, the 20th Sports Games of Xi'an Eurasia University kicked off at the university's track-and-field ground. The Party and administrative leaders of Xi'an Eurasia University, the leaders of all schools and functional offices, as well as more than 20,000 teachers and students gathered in the green field for a sports feast. The opening ceremony was presided over by Zhang Junhong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Eurasia University.

(Fig. 1) Zhang Junhong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Eurasia University, Presiding over the Opening Ceremony

With the dynamic melody playing, the Sports Games kicked off with a wonderful friendly rugby match. The players on the field were radiant and strived hard, showing the tenacity, team spirit, and positive attitude of athletes. They ignited the enthusiasm of the whole audience.

Cheers and shouts rose and fell, and the entire sports field was bustling with excitement.

(Fig. 2) Xi'an Eurasia University Pioneers American Football Team Presenting the Match Ball to Chairman Hu Jianbo

Then, the phalanxes of the national flag, the school flag, and the sports games flag entered the field. The representative phalanxes of youth community athletes entered in turn. Flag bearers walked firmly to the rostrum with vigorous steps. They held flags in their hands, which fluttered in the wind, fully demonstrating the vigor and vitality of youth.

(Fig. 3) All Attendees Standing Solemnly and Singing the National Anthem of the People's Republic of China After the Orderly Entry of the Phalanxes

Chairman Professor Hu Jianbo delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Sports Games. He pointed out, "We hope to educate students through sports and cultivate their interests, tenacity, team spirit, and positive attitude. To this end, we have built a new West Cultural and Sports Center, which integrates sports training, teaching, scientific research, and social services. With a building area of more than 15,000 square meters and two floors above ground and underground respectively, the center encompasses basketball courts, swimming pools, and spaces for Taekwondo, table tennis, sports dance, cycling, physical fitness testing, and health therapy, catering to the diverse sporting needs of both teachers and students."

(Fig. 4) Professor Hu Jianbo, Chairman of Xi'an Eurasia University, Delivering a Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Sports Games

He also mentioned, "Sports provide us with a real-world social testing ground. Today, you may face decisions about which sport to choose, which team to join, and which position to take. In the future, you will face decisions about which industry to enter, which company to work for, and which role to assume. The principle behind these decisions is the same—choosing a thriving and prospective industry means it must meet societal needs; opting for a company with potential and resilience signifies it must provide continuous genuine value to customers; selecting a position that you like and where you can realize your self-worth implies that you need to contribute to the team, with your contributions being your foundation."

Dong Xinyi, a student from Xdea Youth Community and the School of Accounting, and Qiang Neng, a teacher from the Sports Center of the School of General Education, took an oath on behalf of the athletes and referees.

(Fig. 5) Dong Xinyi, a Student from Xdea Youth Community and the School of Accounting, Taking an Oath on Behalf of the Athletes

(Fig. 6) Qiang Neng, a teacher from the Sports Center of the School of General Education, Taking an Oath on Behalf of the Referees

Professor Liu Jin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Xi'an Eurasia University, announced the opening of the Sports Games!

(Fig. 9) Professor Liu Jin, President of Xi'an Eurasia University, Announcing the Opening of the Sports Games

Professor Zhao Guohua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Eurasia University, the teacher Lei Kang from the Sports Center of the School of General Education, the student Sun Haoyuan from the School of Accounting and Drucker Youth Community, and the student Fan Jiarong from the School of Higher Vocational Education and Jobs Youth Community ran to the center of the playground together, going all out to kick off their dream balls and open up new hope.

(Fig. 10) Professor Zhao Guohua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Eurasia University (Second from Right), Together with Representatives of Teachers and Students Kicking the Balls of Dreams in the Center of the Playground

The club flags and community flags fluttered in the field, while a folk music band delivered a passionate and vibrant performance, showcasing the clubs' love, confidence, cooperation, and altruism! The lively performance of a rock band showcased the diversity of art. This not only let the audience feel the beauty of art but also conveyed the belief of "Pluralitas in unitatem" at Xi'an Eurasia University. Students gathered in those clubs because of love and showed confidence and determination.

Students participating in the performance of men's group gymnastics were like a flock of birds flying with hope, weaving dreams into a magnificent panorama. This performance exemplified the spirit of the young people who strive for progress, attach importance to details, seek high quality, dare to innovate, and are eager to explore creating endless possibilities with determination and team spirit.

In the refreshing spring breeze, performances such as Baduanjin, boxing, bicycle motocross, and cheerleading exercises came one after another, marking the blend of tradition and modernity at Xi'an Eurasia University, where dynamics and passion coalesced due to sports. Nurtured by holistic education, the students of Xi'an Eurasia University were pursuing their dreams boldly.

The agile young girls, using their cloud-shaped umbrellas as brushes of youth, danced with the spirit and sense of responsibility nurtured in Xi'an Eurasia University as if they were painters of a brilliant picture, showing a new vision for international education at Xi'an Eurasia University. The powerful performance of the passionate and vibrant band ignited the opening ceremony of the Sports Games, pushing the event to its peak.

At the opening ceremony of this year's Sports Games, classical dancers dressed in elegant costumes danced gracefully and showed their charm; the rock band ignited the scene with exciting rhythms, enhancing dopamine in everyone's hearts; hot air balloons carrying dreams and hopes painted a romantic picture in the blue sky with fluffy clouds. The opening ceremony was both classical and modern. The passionate performances and the romantic hot air balloons together presented a visual and auditory feast.

Let's look forward to the glory earned in the field with hot blood and passionate fighting spirit! Sports ignite youth, and young people are in their prime. Let's chase dreams together and stride forward to the future.

(Contributed by the Student Development Office)