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Xi'an Eurasia University Launches "Future Leader Plan" for Creating Different Future

(Fig. 1) Launching Ceremony of the "Future Leader Plan"

To co-create a future-oriented university and help implement the quality strategy of Xi'an Eurasia University, the "Future Leader Plan", a strategic talent reserve program of Xi'an Eurasia University, was officially launched on December 15. Oriented to the long-term development of Xi'an Eurasia University, this program is aimed at the long-term development of Xi'an Eurasia University, focusing on cultivating a new generation of leaders dedicated to shaping the future of the university. It aims to nurture a young, passionate, and innovative management team that possesses humanistic qualities, a global perspective, and personalized leadership qualities. This young management team is envisioned to uphold the university's mission and strategies, connect organizations and employees, ensure the smooth execution of operations, and provide a fresh impetus and vitality to organizational development.

Opening Ceremony: 35 trainees Embark on 2-year Systematic Training

(Fig. 2) Huang Xin, Executive Dean of the School of General Education, Presiding over the Opening Ceremony

Huang Xin, Executive Dean of the School of General Education, presided over the opening ceremony. Based on the school's strategy, he emphasized that creating a strategic talent pool had become a core factor driving the high-quality development of the university. He expressed sincere gratitude to the university's leadership at all levels for their support towards the "Future Leader Plan."

(Fig. 3) Zhang Lihong, Director of Human Resource Department, Introducing the Key Human Resource Plan of Xi'an Eurasia University

"How can a pool be so clear and cool? For water comes fresh from the source." Zhang Lihong, Director of the Human Resource Department of Xi'an Eurasia University, introduced the major measures and key plans of the university's strategic human resource management.. The "Future Leader Plan," as part of the "Fresh Water Program" of Xi'an Eurasia University, will carry out 2 years of systematic training for 35 trainees through on-the-job practice, feedback and exchange, and learning empowerment based on the "721" learning rule. It is hoped that these strategic human resource measures can revitalize the university's human resources, stimulate the vitality of employees, and help achieve the university's talent cultivation goals.

(Fig. 4) Professor Hu Jianbo, Chairman of Xi'an Eurasia University, Delivering a Speech

Professor Hu Jianbo, Chairman of Xi'an Eurasia University, pointed out that the "Future Leader Plan" should focus on cultivating leaders with the ability to solve practical problems and an international vision, encourage trainees to continuously develop through "learning in practices", combine organizational culture, artistic thinking, philosophical thinking with leadership, cultivate self-awareness, and move towards "all-round" cultivation. He also emphasized that the university should shoulder the responsibility of serving the city and society, continuously improve its influence, give full play to its service and leading role as an application-oriented university, and contribute to a better future for education.

(Fig. 5) Speech by Mao Tingting, Trainee Representative and Program Leader at the School of Humanities and Education, Giving a Speech

How to activate teachers' enthusiasm? How can teachers gain more sense of achievement in teaching? How to optimize the structure of teacher resources? How to balance school development and professional development? Mao Tingting, a trainee representative and program leader at the School of Humanities and Education, said in her speech that she would take these questions as a guide to delve deeply into the essence of management, striving for upward progress. She also expressed her commitment to continuous reflection on these profound issues while envisioning her future development

(Fig. 6) Hu Jianbo Issuing Admission Certificates to the Representatives of Trainees

At the end of the opening ceremony, Hu Jianbo issued admission certificates to the representatives of the trainees and gave earnest expectations to all trainees, encouraging them to dare to innovate and make breakthroughs in the future.

Theme Learning: Wonderful Sharing by Industry Experts and Outstanding Leaders

(Fig. 7) Professor Yin Jian'an, Senior Consultant of Xi'an Eurasia University, Delivering the Inaugural Class of the "Future Leader Plan"

The inaugural class of the "Future Leader Plan" was taught by Professor Yin Jian'an, Senior Consultant of Xi'an Eurasia University. By exploring the "service-oriented manufacturing" model of Shaanxi Blower (Group) Co., Ltd. and reviewing the prototype development, Yin Jian'an showed the trainees the importance of "doing the right thing" and "doing things correctly." Yin Jian'an also highlighted the importance of " knowing what to do and what not to do" and encouraged the trainees to continuously innovate their thinking patterns, boldly attempt cross-industry education, establish a unique organizational culture, build bridges for the mutual development of employees and management teams, and create a sense of shared destiny between employees and management teams.

(Fig. 8) Chen Yang, Executive Dean of the School of Humanities and Education, Delivering a Speech

At Xi'an Eurasia University, there is a group of individuals filled with passion and extraordinary talents who breathe vibrancy and vitality into the university while providing momentum and direction for everyone at the university. On the evening of December 15, Chen Yang, Executive Dean of the School of Humanities and Education, shared her experiences in the "Role Models Around Us" event to impart unique insights to the trainees about "life being like a vast wilderness". Starting with the perspective of "seeing oneself, seeing the world, and seeing all beings," she delved deep into the meaning of life, narrating how she made critical decisions during key stages of her career and addressed challenges she encountered. Chen Yang told the trainees to follow their hearts as this is the way to find enjoyment and meaning while tackling challenges. She encouraged the trainees to be firm in their goals, brave to be themselves, constantly improve themselves, shoulder the responsibility needed by society and industry, and make progress together for sustainable development.

(Fig. 9) Panoramic Leadership Workshop

On the morning of December 16, Sean Liu, General Manager of Bestvision, held a panoramic leadership workshop for trainees. Sean Liu led the trainees to rebuild the concept of panoramic leadership, delving into aspects such as mental models, self-awareness, and the power of belief to assist the trainees in self-exploration and self-discovery. With a focus on creation as the driving force, the workshop motivated trainees to learn and grow for the future.

(Fig. 10) Team Quality Development Activity

On the afternoon of December 16, the trainees carried out a team quality development activity in Chang'an Tang Village. Games such as "Dryland Curling" and "Monopoly" not only required trainees to remain calm at all times, but also needed everyone to work closely together to formulate strategies and implementation plans. Trainees commonly found this activity a fantastic experience, "This activity has opened up a new learning model for us. We discovered different facets of ourselves, engaged in cooperative learning during the games, and learned from each other."

Words from Trainees: New Concept, New Curriculum, and a Brand-new Learning Journey

Sun Qian from the Global Language Center: "I would like to thank the university for providing us with this rare learning platform. In the two-day learning experience, I met many excellent colleagues in other departments. I am thankful for this encounter. The new concepts and course studies have opened a fresh door for collaborative creation. I look forward to embarking on future learning journeys with my colleagues, growing together, and jointly creating a brighter future for Eurasia!"

Liu Yingqing from the School of General Education: "This event provided us with the opportunity to interact closely with industry experts and listen to their insights firsthand. We also had the chance to hear from our outstanding fellow teachers who shared their personal growth experiences. I believe that with effort, each one of us can make significant progress."

Li Chenfang from the School of Business Administration: "I am grateful to the university for providing such a valuable platform and meticulously organizing this event. The courses and extension activities were fantastic, inspiring new ways of thinking and introducing us to many exceptional fellow teachers. I have gained clarity on my path of effort and look forward to continuing to excel in practice in the future!"

(Fig. 11) Group Photo of Participants

The "Future Leader Plan" will continue with a series of development activities aimed at helping the trainees expand their mindset, open their hearts, and strengthen their determination. By embracing the future with a more open attitude, the trainees are expected to realize their self-worth, evolve into outstanding future leaders, and collaboratively create a unique future for Xi'an Eurasia University! Let's make Xi'an Eurasia University better and make everyone here happier.

(Contributed by Qu Jingwen from the Human Resource Department)