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All-staff contribution, integration and innovation! The Second Scientific Research Achievements Exhibition of Xi'an Eurasia University Closed Successfully

On November 29, the 2nd Scientific Research Achievements Exhibition of Xi'an Eurasia University & Theme Salon "All-staff Contribution, Integration and Innovation", sponsored by the Scientific Research and Cooperation Development Committee and organized by the Office of Scientific Research, was successfully held in the College Student Activity Center.This salon aims to build an open and inclusive platform for displaying achievements and exchanging ideas. More than 100 faculty members from the whole school participated in this achievement exhibition and salon activity.

First, Cao Mingming, Vice President of Xi'an Eurasia University, delivered a speech. "Scientific research and social service" is one of the six key tasks of Xi'an Eurasia University. In his speech, Cao Mingming reiterated the strategic focus of Xi'an Eurasia University and pointed out that in 2023, the development path of scientific research and social service has been determined based on "organized scientific research" and ORU research and service model. "Scientific research and technological innovation are of great value to national development, and the quality of scientific research and social services is also of great significance to the development of schools, branches, majors and individuals," said Cao Mingming in his speech. "Through breaking boundaries, brainstorming and making progress together, Xi'an Eurasia University encourages each participant to actively contribute their wisdom and strength and jointly explore new paths for the integration and innovation of scientific research. We hope that in the future process of scientific research and social service development, we can 'all contribute to the integration and innovation'."

Wang Yan, Vice President of Xi'an Eurasia University, shared the "Thinking and Practice of ORU Construction of Xi'an Eurasia University" based on the concept of social service development of Xi'an Eurasia University. "Xi'an Eurasia University has designed a teacher 'Living Water Project' for the ORU development. By building an agile project team, it helps adaptive organizations develop in high value," said Wang Yan. In 2023, Xi'an Eurasia University comprehensively promoted the implementation of ORUs. At present, it has built 6 university-level ORUs and 9 secondary college ORUs and will continue to promote the follow-up construction work. Wang Yan pointed out that Xi'an Eurasia University's social service products focus on six categories: quality management, urban organic renewal, property services, digitization, educational innovation, and culture and brand. More products are still under R&D and upgrading. In terms of service support, the ORU social service project's key node cooperation network diagram and SOP are being built. "In the future, Xi'an Eurasia University will continue to provide professional, authoritative and efficient social services by building an external service ORU sharing platform, namely EIIC, knowledge management column, and knowledge warehouse," said Wang Yan.

Cao Xiaojuan, Deputy Dean of the School of Culture & Media of Xi'an Eurasia University, shared her thoughts and practices on industry-university-research integration. Based on the form of future universities and the quality view of "social person" talent cultivation under the coupling of discipline-major-industry chain, Cao Xiaojuan analyzed the basic characteristics of applied talent cultivation and scientific research under the quality view of "social person" talent cultivation. Taking the operation and management project of Heping Cinema as an example, she systematically introduced the practical process of the integration of the project and Internet+ competition, teachers' vertical scientific research, social services, application-oriented talent cultivation and other aspects. She pointed out that industry-university-research integration is an important way to promote the development of Xi'an Eurasia University. Xi'an Eurasia University should strengthen cooperation with enterprises, focus on the practical problems of enterprise application scenarios, carry out scientific research for social needs, break down disciplinary barriers and achieve win-win results with enterprises.

Feng Wei, Dean of the School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering at Xi'an Eurasia University, delivered a report on "Research on Key Technologies for Digital Twins of Urban Buildings-Research Frontier of Human Settlement ORU" based on the practical research of Shaanxi Universities' engineering research centers on smart city construction. From three aspects of system development, strategy research and practical results, Feng Wei focused on the research achievements of teachers from the engineering research center in key technologies for digital twins of urban buildings. "The digital twin technology of urban buildings is an important technical means for future urban planning and construction. We should promote the development and application of this technology through continuous research and exploration," said Feng Wei in a summary way.

At the end of the Salon, Associate Professor Liu Yue from the provincial university youth innovation team delivered a speech on the theme of "Integration, In-depth Exploration and Breakthrough". From the perspective of the team and its research fields, she pointed out that project-driven development should form a natural professional integration by taking horizontal and vertical projects as examples. "Even if there are accidental factors in project acquisition, it is more about early preparation, continuous tracking and rapid market response. It is very important to find the way and method of doing scientific research, and its core is to firmly believe in conducting useful scientific research and serving the place," said Liu Yue.

The 2nd Scientific Research Achievements Exhibition of Xi'an Eurasia University was successfully concluded. This theme activity not only provided a platform for all teachers and students to display and exchange scientific research achievements, but also provided an opportunity for Xi'an Eurasia University to discuss directions and build cooperation in scientific research and social services. Under "all contribute to the integration and innovation", in the face of the key strategic work of "scientific research and social services", Xi'an Eurasia University's Office of Academic Research will continue to provide good service support and more opportunities for Xi'an Eurasia University's people participating in scientific research and social services.

The 2nd Scientific Research Achievements Exhibition of Xi'an Eurasia University

Four Theme Exhibition Areas

1) National Subject Exhibition Area

The exhibition area displays the subject projects undertaken by Xi'an Eurasia University in recent two years, such as the humanity and social science projects of the National Social Science Found and the Ministry of Education. These subjects cover a wide range of fields, including physical education, pedagogy, psychology, humanities and other disciplines. The project approval of high-level projects not only reflects the effectiveness of the scientific research management of Xi'an Eurasia University in recent years, but also marks that Xi'an Eurasia University's applied scientific research achievements have been initially recognized.

2) Research Institute Exhibition Area

In 2023, according to the strategic development needs of Xi'an Eurasia University, in order to promote the improvement of talent cultivation quality, continuously improve the applied research level and create a scientific research and social service model with the characteristics of Xi'an Eurasia University, the University comprehensively promoted the implementation of ORUs. In the exhibition area, visitors can learn about the main contents and important research results of each university-level ORU.

3) Platform Team Exhibition Area

The Platform Team Exhibition Area displays the provincial and university-level scientific research platforms of Xi'an Eurasia University, as well as the scientific research directions and cooperation achievements of teams. It provided a good scientific research environment and opportunities for cooperation and integration for faculty members. It raised everyone's awareness of the platform team work and stimulated the innovation consciousness and creativity of all teachers and students of Xi'an Eurasia University.

4) Characteristic Project Exhibition Area

The Characteristic Project Exhibition Area displays the key characteristic projects developed by Xi'an Eurasia University in recent years and shows the in-depth research and innovative attempts of its teachers and students in various fields such as cutting-edge technology, social science, urban renewal and rural revitalization.

(Contributed by Office of Academic Research)