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Build a Global Vision and Open up the Future Together! The 4th Model United Nations Congress of Xi'an Eurasia University Successfully Held

In order to broaden students' international horizons, enhance their cross-cultural communication skills and promote their ability in "social responsibility, national identity and problem solving", the 4th Model United Nations Congress of Xi'an Eurasia University was successfully held on November 18, 2023 in the Multi-function Hall of the Students Activity Center. A total of 180 teachers and students from Xi'an Eurasia University participated in this event.

Model United Nations (MUN) is an academic simulation of the guidelines of the UN General Assembly and other multilateral institutions, as well as a civic education activity recognized by the UN. In the activities, students acted as diplomatic officials of different countries or political entities and followed the established rules of procedure to hold meetings on domestic and international hot issues. Participation in Model United Nations will not only improve the participants' comprehensive abilities including leadership, communication skills, teamwork ability and on-the-spot reaction ability from multiple dimensions, but also help cultivate students' global citizen awareness and critical thinking mode.

In line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and shared values among youth communities, the Model United Nations Congress was held with the theme of "Building the World and Looking forward to the Future" and the topic of "Rights and Relief for Climate Refugees" in the form of academic debates. A total of 24 representatives from 14 countries attended this conference. Under the auspices of the presidium of the conference, each "country representative" expressed their views through speeches and communicated and resolved conflicts through debates, consultations and lobbying. At the conference, they promoted the solution of international issues by writing draft resolutions and voting, so as to propose new thinking and more possibilities for global issues.

Li Jiayu, Assistant Director of the Student Development Office, said in her speech that according to a survey by Harvard University in the US, learning activities outside the classroom, especially learning behaviors occurring in dormitories and extracurricular activities, are very important for students. Four-fifths of all important specific events that have a far-reaching impact on students occur outside the classroom. The Model United Nations Congress, which is a brand activity of the international youth community, is one of the important activities for the local internationalization of Xi'an Eurasia University. Xi'an Eurasia University has created an international atmosphere and set up beneficial links, which make students have a more intuitive understanding of international rules and social etiquette, so as to effectively promote the international development of students.

Finally, Ding Jie from the International Cooperation and Exchange Center made a concluding speech. She said that climate change is a global issue affecting every country, every community and everyone. As global citizens, we have a responsibility to focus on global problems, identify solutions and take action. We should respect and understand different cultures, beliefs and views, while fighting for a fairer, richer and more peaceful world.

Qi Xinyu, a student who served as the representative of Bangladesh in this competition, believed that her speech and debate skills had been improved by participating in the Model United Nations Congress. "It's a challenging task for me to clearly state my views in the limited time. By participating in this activity, my on-the-spot reaction ability was also improved," said Qi Xinyu.

"Participating in the Model United Nations Congress has given me a better understanding of international affairs," said Wang Bohan, a student who served as the representative of New Zealand in this competition. "I need to understand the political, economic and cultural situations of various countries and regions in the international community so that I can put forward reasonable propositions and solutions at the conference. In the process of searching for information, I had a deeper understanding of the policies and interests of various countries, as well as a clearer understanding of how the international community works. It was a great learning experience."

(Contributed by the International Youth Community of the Student Development Office)